Learn more about Let’S Drink®

Dégustation de vins, de champagnes, de spiritueux

This is not your ordinary
tasting event, but instead,
a special time for
conversation and sociability.

Dégustation de champagne

Let’S Drink® combines
luxury, fun and Epicureanism,
right in your own home!

Invite your guests to a Let’S Drink® ‘soirée’ in your own home,
to taste wine, Champagne and spirits.

It’s easy to plan a festive wine-tasting
party right in your own home

Let'S Drink, Dégustation de vins, champagnes, spiritueux

In Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Martin and St. Barts.
And – coming soon to metropolitan France!

Let'S Drink, Dégustation de vins, champagnes, spiritueux
Who is it for?

It’s for everyone!
Well, everyone over 18, that is!

Let'S Drink, Dégustation de vins, champagnes, spiritueux

During afterwork gatherings and at parties!

Fun, fun
nothing but

Treat yourself!
All you need to do is taste, savour and enjoy!

A Let’S Drink® tasting event is a time for conversation and enjoyment, a chance to get away from it all with friends and family. You will be guided by an ambassador who will lead the event, customising it to your preferences.

Commandez en ligne avec Let'S Drink

Order products

Did you especially like a Champagne you tried at the tasting event?
Would you like to gift someone a bottle of wine you tasted?

Good news – to continue your taste experience, the products you tried are available through our online store!

The store